Search · Solr · Technical

Solr caching settings

Caching is always a burning and desirable topic in every application. Searching in Millions of records cost some time and performance though we can use caching to save this time again for same query. As a good product, Solr OOB provides caching options. Below are the details of different caching options and other caching configuration.… Continue reading Solr caching settings

Search · Solr

Solr Query Parser – OR instead of AND ?

Answer depends on business requirement though i will suggest to keep Query Parser “AND”. It will narrow down the search result rather than expend search response. eg. If a user search for string “Mohit Bansal” means that he/she is looking for results having both Mohit & Bansal, If we search with OR, then it will… Continue reading Solr Query Parser – OR instead of AND ?